Choose Your Certification level

Join the best and the brightest and become a DRIC certified professional

DRI Canada certifies individuals and provides various levels of active professional designation and certification that are the standards of excellence in business continuity, disaster recovery or emergency management whether you are a newcommer, practitioner, healthcare expert, or auditor.

Professional designation/certification:ABCP - Associate Business Continuity ProfessionalCFCP - Certified Functional Continuity ProfessionalCBCP - Certified Business Continuity ProfessionalMBCP - Master Business Continuity Professional
Best suited for:for those who are new to our industryfor those in our industry with a specific skill or focus and more than 2 years of experiencefor professionals that have demonstrated both knowledge and skill in our professionfor those with superior knowledge and significant experience in our profession
What this means:supports entry-level proficiency with some knowledge in business continuity planning, but who have not yet acquired a great deal of experience in the fielddemonstrate knowledge and skill in business continuity within a very narrow scope. An example of this would be an expert in IT recovery, application testing or BIAsmost widely recognized and held business continuity certification in the world that demonstrates both knowledge and skill in the business continuity/disaster recovery industrythese professionals possess much more than the requisite knowledge with a vast scope of comprehension and guide their practices, departments or company with a high level of skill and expertise
Years of experience *:no experience requiredAt least two years significant & practical experience in Business Continuity that covers the professional practices noted below.At least two years significant & practical experience in Business Continuity that covers the professional practices noted below.More than five (5) years for each  Professional Practice noted below.
Experience in Professional Practice (PP) Subject Areas:not requiredat least 3 of 10at least 5 of 10at least 7 of 10
Experience in Core PP Subject Areas (areas 3, 4, 6 and 8):not requiredat least 1 of 4at least 2 of 4all 4 of 4
Application Guide  Guide to CBCP 
Suggested training course:BCLE(F) 2000BCLE(F) 2000 or
BCP 501
BCLE(F) 2000 or
BCP 501
BCP 601 (highly recommended but not mandatory)
Exam to pass:Qualification ExamQualification ExamQualification ExamQualification Exam AND
Master Case Study Exam
Application submissionLite w/o experienceYes-onlineYes-onlineYes-online through DRI International
Application fee:$200**
(includes first year membership)
$400$400$500 - Application completed through DRI International.
References required:not requiredat least 2 per PP Subject Areaat least 2 per PP Subject Areaat least 2 per PP Subject Area
Application reviewed by commissioner:not requiredYesYesYes
Annual renewal fee **:$200$225$225$275
Submission of CEAPs (over 2 year period) ***:not required80 CEAPs80 CEAPs80 CEAPs
 How to apply stepsHow to apply stepsHow to apply stepsHow to apply steps. MBCP applications are completed through DRI Internatoinal.

* Experience must have occurred within a ten-year period from your application date.
Upon passing the qualifying exam administered in the BCLE(F) 2000, BCLE AUD and BCP 501 courses, the course participant will be notified by DRI CANADA of their successful grade and provided a link to register and make payment of the applicable Certification Application Fee.  A Certification Application Fee paid between Jan 1 and Jul 31 will cover the applicant's Membership and Administration Fee to Dec 31 of the current year; a Certification Application Fee paid between Aug 1 and Dec 31 will cover the applicant's Membership and Administration Fee to Dec 31 of the following year.

Professional designation/certification:ACRP - Associate Cyber Resilience ProfessionalCCRP - CCRP Certified Cyber Resilience ProfessionalCBCA - Certified Business Continuity AuditorCBCLA - Certified Business Continuity Lead Auditor
Best suited for:for those who are new to business continuity and cybersecurity and wish to establish themselves as up-and-comers in cyber resiliencefor those who can demonstrate knowledge, experience, and leadership in cyber resilience and business continuity related areas.for those who can verify and evaluate organization's business continuity program against applicable standards and industry regulationsfor professionals that have demonstrated significant audit experience in business continuity
What this means:cyber resilience marries cybersecurity and business continuity to create an environment in which both disciplines work together to maximize effectiveness and protect the organization from cyber threatsn/athe CBCA demonstrates an ability to validate and evaluate plans based on any applicable standard, guideline and industry regulationthe CBCLA level of certification is reserved for those professionals that can demonstrate knowledge, experience and leadership in business continuity, emergency management and /or auditing
Years of experience *:less than two (2) yearsAt least two years significant & practical experience in Business Continuity that covers the professional practices noted below.n/aMore than five (5) years for each  Professional Practice noted below.
Experience in Professional Practice (PP) Subject Areas:not requirednot requirednot requiredat least 5 of 10
Experience in Core PP Subject Areas (areas 3, 4, 6 and 8):not requirednot requirednot requirednot required
Suggested training course:CRLE 2000CRLE 2000Mandatory BCLE AUDMandatory BCLE AUD
Exam to pass:Cyber Resilience ExaminationCyber Resilience ExaminationAudit ExamAudit Exam
Application submission (online via MyDRIC portal):  Yes-onlineYes-online
Application fee:(includes current year's membership) **:$200$400$400$400
References required:not required2 per subject matter areaat least 2 per PP
at least 2 per PP
waived for MBCP, CISA or CISSP
Application reviewed by commissioner:not requiredYesYesYes
Annual renewal fee **:$200$225$225$225
Submission of CEAPs (over 2 year period):not required80 CEAPs80 CEAPs80 CEAPs
  How to apply stepsHow to apply stepsHow to apply steps

**Upon passing the qualifying exam administered in the course, the course participant will be notified by DRI CANADA of their successful grade and provided a link to register and make payment of the Certification fee. A certification application fee paid between Jan 1 and Jul 31 will cover the applicant's membership and administration fee to Dec 31 of the current year; a certification application fee paid between Aug 1 and Dec 31 will cover the applicant's membership and administration Fee to Dec 31 of the following year.

For additional detail on certification levels and recertification requirements, please follow the links provided, go to the FAQ section or contact the DRIC Certification admin via email or by calling 1-844-228-8135